4-1 (+1.82 units) yesterday
183-117 (+32.63 units) overall
2 units.......st louis -135
everything else for one unit today.
atlanta -155
white sox -189
yankees -139
anaheim -158
phillies -131
not sure what everybody else thinks, but i think my record is pretty good considering i play mostly favs. i usually am a dog player, but this year i have been taking favs, i don't know why. good luck everybody.
183-117 (+32.63 units) overall
2 units.......st louis -135
everything else for one unit today.
atlanta -155
white sox -189
yankees -139
anaheim -158
phillies -131
not sure what everybody else thinks, but i think my record is pretty good considering i play mostly favs. i usually am a dog player, but this year i have been taking favs, i don't know why. good luck everybody.